Components description
- regulator 5v
- Injector
- Rotation
- Injector
- Canister
Vehicle with a
symptom of heating of the Ignition Coil, and ECU with the same symptom, heats
up, the ignition pulse becomes weak, not generating a spark or a very weak
spark, caused by the malfunction of the Ignition Drive, procedure to replace
the Ignition Drives ( shown in the photo above).
ECU Ground (Ground Tracks)
Burn the mass (-) of the ECU and/or the mass of the sensors. Check
the electrical diagram (check the Datasheet's and procedures manual) which pin
is responsible for the Mass (-) of the Sensors and reinforce it to the ECU Mass
(in this specific case pin 26 must be reinforced, or “jumped” to pin 02 of the
Injection nozzles (injection solenoid valve)
Injector nozzles do
not pulse, weak pulse or still stuck open, occurs due to Multidriver 2 burning,
solution in this case, replace the Multidriver (component not sold, remove from
a scrap unit).
Pump Relay
Pump relay directly docked (with continuous activation), or not
docking, check Zener Diode and Common Diode, and also the Multidriver directly
responsible for docking the pump relay, the Test Procedure is: cut the
terminal(s) ( is) of the Diodes: Zener and Common Diode in Positive polarity
(check the Datasheet's and Procedures Manual), after being cut, and thus only
“opened” for Testing, check if the procedure will unlock the Pump Relay, if
this occurs, replace the Diode(s) responsible for the non-activation, if this
does not solve the problem, the Final Solution will be to replace the
Multidriver that controls not only the Pump Relay, but which has other Multiple
Functions .
Microprocessor burnout
Unit presents symptoms of: nozzles do not pulse, does not activate
the pump relay, does not turn on the anomaly lamp, nor does it activate the
ignition (Coil), when using a scanner (used in this Tecnomotor Rasther
experiment) showing “COMMUNICATION ERROR” at the same time. perform ECU
tracking, solve these symptoms, change Microprocessor(s) the main and/or slave.
TIP: units with GM
final number: 650/650GG, are convertible, that is, we can convert them, in the
sense that we just need to change the programming of the Eprom memory to
convert it to the vehicle in question, example: Omega 2.0 Gas., you can be converted
to Omega 3.0 Gas.
Sudden engine shutdown
Sudden engine shutdown while the vehicle is running is caused by
electromagnetic interference, it suddenly “goes off”, the engine cuts out, the
anomaly lamp remains off when it should be on. An ignition defect is suspected
in units with GM final number: 650/650GG. Therefore, I replaced the ECU with
one with a 650GG ending. This is of course, after having replaced the following
components: Ignition Drive, 5V Regulator, Rotation IC or Microprocessor and
without success.
Poor contact in ORIGINAL DIP Socket
This ECU often presents a defect of poor contact in the original
socket due to wear of the terminals due to vibration. Making the vehicle stop
working, sometimes the vehicle starts sometimes. On the bench, the same thing
happens, sometimes the unit works, sometimes it doesn't; making it look like
there is bad contact in the Microprocessor, however, the defect is in the
NOTE: the same problem occurs in the M1.5.2 system (Omega Álcool),
the solution to this problem is to replace the Original DIP28 Pin socket or
DIP32 Pin socket (depending on the memory that comes with the ECU).
ECU Ground (Ground Tracks)
Burn the mass (-) of the ECU and/or the mass of the sensors, check
the electrical diagram (check the Datasheet's and procedures manual) which pin
is responsible for the Mass (-) of the Sensors and reinforce it to the ECU Mass
(in this specific case pin 26 must be reinforced, or “jumped” to pin 02 of the