Main components
1. Multi functions - L9104 - 5V regulator – Relay main - Relay A / C.
2. Memory Rom - 29F200 AB.
3. Processor - Motorola - ZC 439507 MF T 20.
4. MAR 9109 PD Multi Drive - 20 pins - Injectors - Canister - Stepper
motor - V1 and V2 fan.
5. Drive ignition coil 1 and 4 - VB025.
6. Ignition coil drive 2 and 3 - VB025.
7. Detonation interface - L9119.
8. Soic 8 - 95040 – Immobilizer.
9. Blasting interface –
Common defects
- Oxidation of the board causing fan failure or burning the drive that controls the fan;
- Burn the drive that controls the nozzle outlet.