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How to choose a high quality Carprog


In this article, we will talk about checking CARPROG before buying for mandatory revision. Before making a purchase, the buyer must make a few simple tests that will allow him to make the right choice and buy a fully functional CARPROG with the current firmware version

It should be noted right away that any seller who assures the buyer that CARPROG is finalized must have at least a laptop, a special test adapter TEST Adapter A9, eeprom 24-series, a car ECU, a 12V power supply, an ID48 transponder. If this minimum set is not available, then the probability of the completed revision tends to zero, and to confirm this fact, the buyer only needs to perform the first test with an antenna, described below. The process of mandatory revision and verification of CARPROG is described here.

Antenna operation

We ask the seller to connect CARPROG to the computer, and then connect the included antenna.


Open the program, select TRANSPONDER -> VAG KEY v0.8


Click on the read button


If we receive the message: "Antena not connected" it means that the device is not finalized and the purchase should be canceled.


The modified device without a transponder will display the message: "Transponder signal to Low"


If there is an ID48 transponder, then the modified device must read the information (Please note, if the UM2 value in the transponder is 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, then the checkbox next to this line must be removed, otherwise the program will read the UM1 data, the transponder ID , and when reading UM2 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, the program operation algorithm will display a message about a low transponder signal)


Reading eeprom 24 or 93 series

To perform this check, you must first take any eeprom 93 series with you. To check, we use the A6 adapter, which is included with Carprog


We connect Carprog to USB, connect the programmer with the A6 clothespin adapter and connect the eeprom 93-series, open the Carprog program, go to the "EEPROM -> 93C, 24C, 95x v2.6" menu, select the required 93-series microcircuit in the corresponding tab and in the window that opens, read the contents of the eeprom ( please note that all actions with the eeprom are performed without external power supply ):


If the eeprom is clean, then only zeros will be displayed in the  editor, otherwise the firmware must be read


In the built-in editor, we change the firmware by adding any symbols or numbers, for example, 56565656...


We write the modified firmware to the eeprom:


We read the eeprom content again and compare it with the data that was previously recorded  If CARPROG did not read the p

reviously entered data, then you should refuse to purchase. A modified device without additional power should read 24-series eeprom without any problems

Serial number

Connect Carprog to USB and run the program. In the lower left corner we look at the serial number

- serial numbers 081105CAR001773I and 201213CAR000ME61 indicate outdated firmware versions 4.01 and 4.74 and you should refuse the purchase

- serial number MYKO201607010014 indicates the current firmware version 8.21 (for example, there may be other serial numbers on this version)

More details about versions the firmware can be found in our next article

Carprog firmware version and its functionality

Carprog Full is a fairly universal device that, at a high professional level, allows you to read car ,pass (pin code) by OBD2 to perform work with vehicle ECUs, Airbag ECUs, odometers, dashboards, car radios, auto keys and read and write EEPROM

Carprog is a development  of the  Lithuanian  company UAB "Atomis".   Due to its great  functionality, Carprog has become   widespread among car repair professionals, and copies of this device have also appeared. However, in some cases, copies of Carprog require revision and have outdated firmware that affects the functionality of the device. In this article, we will consider the most common revision options, how to reset units, and also talk about Carprog firmware versions and software versions.

The Carprog programmer is based on the Atmel AT91SAM7S256 microcontroller and, accordingly, must be programmed with the appropriate firmware (firmware).

It should be understood that the version of the firmware (firmware version of the programmer) and the version of the software that is installed on the PC are completely different concepts. First of all, it should be noted that the functionality of Carprog depends only on the firmware version (firmware version). The software version installed on the PC is irrelevant, i.e. you can use the latest version of the program, but the functionality will be limited to the firmware version of the Carprog itself.

When buying Carprog, you need to pay attention to the firmware version of the device, for this it is enough to connect Carprog to the PC and run the program, after which we look at the serial number of the device.


1) the serial number 081105CAR001773I (or the file in the program also 081105CAR001773I) indicates the firmware version 4.01;

2) the serial number 201213CAR000ME61 (or the file in the program also 201213CAR000ME61) indicates a more up-to-date firmware version 4.74;

3) the serial number MYKO201607010014 (or the file in the program also MYKO201607010014) indicates the current firmware version 8.21 (for example, there may be other serial numbers on this version).

Also, the functionality of the Carprog programmer depends on the firmware version. The obvious disadvantage of the firmware version 4.01 is:
- lack of communication with the Opel vehicle ECU via the CAN bus;
- it is impossible to perform the test of the D1 adapter and, as a result, work with it is unavailable.

This issue is related to the problem or file 081105CAR001773I.
All of these drawbacks have been addressed in firmware version 4.74 with serial number 201213CAR000ME61, but this version has a drawback in the form of a small number of unit connections .

The current firmware version 8.21 with the serial number MYKO201607010014 has the maximum functionality compared to previous versions, this version eliminates all the shortcomings of previous versions, and also has the maximum possible number of unit connections (for more details on a unit, see the next article) and there is a possibility ONLINE viewing instructions and wiring diagrams.


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